Industry Benchmarks 2019

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Company NameIndustryAmerican Innovation Index ScoreSocial Innovation Index Score
1 Alaska Airlines AIRLINES/AMTRAK 63.7 58.5
2 American Airlines AIRLINES/AMTRAK 58.0 54.9
3 Amtrak AIRLINES/AMTRAK 65.4 61.2
4 Delta Airlines AIRLINES/AMTRAK 60.7 56.0
5 Frontier Airlines AIRLINES/AMTRAK 53.7 50.2
6 JetBlue AIRLINES/AMTRAK 72.0 63.9
7 Southwest Airlines AIRLINES/AMTRAK 73.7 63.7
8 United Airlines AIRLINES/AMTRAK 52.5 49.6
10 Allstate AUTO/PROPERTY AND CASUALTY 65.3 61.6
Company NameIndustry